RITA-The show
Introducing "RITA," a contemporary circus spectacle that defies expectations and brews a captivating blend of absurd balances and inner struggles. With a steaming cup of creativity, performers and authors Annika Hemmerling( Germany) and Juliá Campistany(Netherlands) team up to create a 50-minute indoor extravaganza of circus and story telling.
Within the confined walls of a 25-square meter room, the unique fusion of mouth balance, trapeze, and a love for tea unfolds in front of the audience. Enter the world of Rita, a fascinating character who searches her solace in the elixier of tea.
Prepare to be enchanted by the innovative synergy of magie nouvelle, object manipulation, circus prowess and theatrical finesse. "RITA" whisks you away on a delightful journey where teacups dance on air and teabags magically transform on the trapeze. A world where tea becomes a metaphor for life's delicate balance and the boundaries between reality and imagination are beautifully blurred.
A 50-minute indoor show by the company Rita&Rita, combining dance trapeze and mouthbalance. A project selected and supported by the german association for circus “BUZZ” and Circusstad Festival in Rotterdam.
“I keep setting the table for two, but the cup is never where I left it”-Rita
Supported by
The Company
Rita (born as Annika Hemmerling)
Height: 1.68
Weight: 208.6 N
She has: ...a favorite color green
She doesnt like: ...wind from the side
Rita (born as Júlia M. Campistany Albareda)
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 607.6 N
First drink she had: A teaspoon of coffee, from her father.
She has...: small hands and ears
“Rita & Rita" is a circus company that was established in 2018 by the Berlin artist Annika Hemmerling and Julia Campistany from Catalonia. The two performers first crossed paths while training at CODARTS Circus Arts school in Rotterdam. Bonding over their shared love for the trapeze and their fascination with the unique art of mouth balancing, they embarked on a creative journey together.
Driven by their shared passion, Annika and Juliá together in their work, explore the realm of absurdity, weaving captivating images and compositions on stage. Their artistic creation revolves around the character Rita, who comes to life through their combined differences and similiarities.
Since 2019, "Rita & Rita," has been selected as a featured project in the "Zircus On" support program by the Federal Association of Contemporary Circus (BUZZ). They are accompanied by the guidance and expertise of Anke Politz, the artistic director of CHAMÄLEON Productions based in Berlin. Through the network of “Zirkus On”, the two artists have been able to network at renowned contemporary circus festivals, such as the "ATOLL Festival" in Karlsruhe, and the "PERSPECTIVES Festival" in Saarbrücken, and showcased their first productions "Not My Cup Of Tea" in 2019.
Director and Authors: Juliá Campistany & Annika Hemmerling
Artistic Eye: Michael Zandl and Anna Katharina Andrees
Set Design: Tomasz Bajsarowicz